
Synthetic Foam Concentrates

A fire suppression technique to extinguish fire with separation & cooling effect

Synthetic Foam Concentrates

  • SafeGuard

    Class-A foam

    SAFEGUARD Synthetic Foam (Class-A foam) is a superior quality firefighting foam concentrate having high quality wetting & penetrating characteristics. It is mainly formulated by hydrocarbon surfactants, solvents, preservatives and buffers that are used to effectively extinguish Class-A fuel based fires and have a secondary benefit of preventing re-ignition.

  • SafeGuard

    Training foam

    SAFEGUARD Training Foam mimic the appearance, induction, expansion, drainage time of the frontline fire fighting foams like AFFF. It can be used to train firefighters and to test the firefighting equipment at low cost with minimum impact on the environment. It is not recommended for used in real life fire fighting situation.

  • SafeGuard

    Hazmat Foam

    SAFEGUARD Hazmat Foam is mainly consists of synergistic blend of biodegradable surfactants, biopolymer, stabilizer etc. which is very effective in suppressing various hazardous/ toxic vapours of reactive, corrosive, explosive, combustible liquid. It is formulated with environmental benign surfactants.

  • SafeGuard

    Wet Chemicals

    SAFEGUARD Wet Chemical is a potassium salt based chemicals which is used for extinguishment of class-K fire, i.e. kitchen fire like fat, grease & oil fires. Potassium salts are created as a fine mist that is sprayed out and then causes a reaction so that a soapy layer is formed on the surface of the fire.

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