
Fire Hose

Extinguish fire like a warrior

Fire Hose

  • SafeGuard

    Reinforced Rubber Lined Hose (RRL Hose)

    Reinforced Rubber Lined Hose (RRL Hose), non-percolating, Reinforced Rubber Lined Hose (RRL-type-I and Type-III) 63 mm/70 mm/50 mm/38 mm dia., 15/30 Mtrs. long, ISI marked bearing IS: 636, complete with Gunmetal/Stainless Steel male and female instantaneous coupling (IS:903) wound and riveted to hose pipe with either GI/Copper/SS wire. Burst pressure, 38 kg /cm2.

  • SafeGuard

    Controlled Percolating Delivery Hose (CP Hose)

    Controlled Percolating Delivery Hose 63 mm/70 mm/50 mm/38 mm dia , 15/30 Mtrs. long, ISI marked bearing IS:8423, complete with Gunmetal/Stainless Steel male and female instantaneous coupling (IS:903) wound and riveted to hose pipe with either GI/Copper/SS wire. Burst pressure-38 kg/cm2.

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